November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Four Stuffed Turkeys sat around their table today and gave thanks to be together! Happy Thanksgiving. Hope everyone had a stuffed and happy day!!

November 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Maddie 11/23/2008

We celebrated Maddie's 3rd birthday this weekend with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. The girls had a blast our friends Chuck and Jen and their kidos Daeton and Andie came along and then came over for cake and a blow out Iowa Game. Maddie got lots of great stuff including a Little Mermaid Jammie Dress that she has been wearing since she opened the thing. Her actual Birthday is Monday the 24th, but definately celebrated in style this weekend.

November 3, 2008

The Dancing Queen

Maddie was entertaining me with her dance moves tonight in the kitchen. I have to say she can really cut a rug. It was cracking me up. She definately can shake it. I hope you all enjoy the videos as much as Curt and I did. We cant stop laughing!